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HADA Systems


Brand: HADA Systems
Product Code: dbd-cm-lacv1
Processor Type: Crestron 3 and 4 series
Version Number: 2.0
Looping Analog Counter
Registration Type : Free
Trial Details : Free
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Price: Free

This module allows you to move through an enumerated list within a set upper and lower limits.

Looping Analog Counter for Crestron

Download Version: 2.x
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This module allows you to move through an enumerated list within a set upper and lower limits.

Once the count increments to the MAX# value, the next pulse or UP will set the count back to the MIN# value.

And vise-versa, Once the count decrements to the MIN# value, the next pulse of DOWN will set the count back to the MAX# value.

The module will also auto senses any change to the tracked signal, this is useful for simple preset selection via say a keypad value.

Very useful for using an Up/Down or Channel +/- to cycle through a list of valid favorites, source ID's or any other enumerated list.


Module Signals List
Module Signals List
NameTypeDescription and Usage

PULSE to increment the value of CURRENT# by 1.
Once the CURRENT# value reaches the MAX# value the next PULSE will cause the CURRENT# value to be set to the MIN# value.

DOWN DIGITAL PULSE to decrement the value of CURRENT# by 1.
Once the CURRENT# value reaches the MAX# value the next PULSE will cause the CURRENT# value to be set to the MIN# value.
MIN# must be < MAX#
MAX# must be > MIN# 
CURRENT# ANALOG Tracked analog value based on the MIN#/MAX# settings. Changes are automatically updated, so the signal can be modified by other presets or devices. The module will also auto correct the CURRENT# (if modified by outside signals) back into the scoped range
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