What is H.A.D.A.?
(H)ome (A)utomation & (D)istributed (A)udioVisual

H.A.D.A. is a feature packed custom written Smart Home OS for Crestron 3 and 4 series processors that utilizes the advanced automation capabilities, device connectivity and media controls available in Crestron control processors and combines them into a simple to use interface that can be ran on your mobile device, tablet, mounted touch screens, computer, laptop and even basic reliable hard button remotes.
H.A.D.A. Smart Home OS offers you as an integrator or end user a viable, feature packed alternative to the Crestron Home platform that offers full home automation and property control from a simple to use and documented interface that any qualified integrator can fully customize to suit the exact needs of the customer.
HADA Smart Home OS Core Features
- 28 Rooms / Zones (max with Pro Version)
- Multipe package types available allowing up to 28 Rooms / Zones in a unified system, each capable of controlling AV, DA, Lighing and Shades.
- 160 Controllable Lighting Channels (max with Pro Version)
- With a masive 160 channels available for control of lighting you can handle even the largest properties with ease. Plus every lighting channel is available for custom whole property scenes that are user programmable with schedualling capabilities. Each channel is assignable to any room / zone or even multiple rooms / zones if desired with a simple click of a box with our included HAdmin Tool.
- 64 Controllable Shade Channels (max with Pro Version)
- Controls for the most demading shade configurations. Add multi layer shades with ease, each with there own control channel, full user programmable scenes per room and additional user programmable and schedualable whole property sceens.
- Home Theater (AV) controls with up to 8 Local Devices Per Room / Zone (Standard Feature)
- Each Room / Zone can control up to 8 local Audio-Visual Home theater devices in addition to the Suround Sound Reciever and Smart Television. Selectable pre-built control screens for most popular devices with the ability to add up to 40 additional control screens to the system for any device you can imagine.
- 24 Shared Distributed Audio Devices (Standard Feature)
- Up to 24 shared Distributed Audio Devices that can be accessed from any Room / Zone that has the Distributed Audio system enabled. The DA system even includes a user programmable Grouping of Zones for a single point of control while still retaining each Zones independant volumes.
- Distributed Audio Zone Grouping (Standard Feature)
- Gain a single point of control for any or even every zone on the susyem with the built in User Programmable Distributed Audio Zone Grouping Tool. With a single button press you can actiate a saved gropup and control them all with both group level and individual zone volume, muting, and power options on a single screen.
- 14 Touch Screen Controllers (max with Pro Version)
- HADA comes pre configired with 6 touch panels, 4 HR-310 remotes and 4 mobile projects and each can be quickly swaped out for any of the others to allow for any configuration needed for your customer. Our interface package also comes completly unlocked and documented so anyone with VTPro experiance can modify it to meet the exact needs of the customer.
- 5 Doorbird Video Door Bell systems with multi-answer capability (Standard Feature)
- Control up to 5 Video Doorbells* with the ability to answer them from any Crestron 760 or better touch screen and with our custom routing software, multiple simultainious calls can be answered or ignored from multiple panels at the same time.
- *Additional third party modules required for control of device itself.
Interface setup to handel most doorbells that use SIP connections
We recomend Doorbird and have links to the control module. - 16 remote camera feeds (Standard Feature)
- View feeds from up to 16 network based cameras directly from the HADA Home Screen
- 20 HVAC Thermostates (max with Pro Version)
- Control up to 20 HVAC thermostats from any touch screen on the system. Our system is pre configured to accept Crestron based thermostates but can be easily reconfigured to accept any controllable HVAC system.
- Yale Lock Integration (Standard Feature)
- Description
- Jandy and Pentair Pool controllers (Standard Feature)
- Description
- Alarm Manager with up to 8 partitions and 128 sensor channels (Standard Feature)
- Description
- 24 Power Outlet Controls (Standard Feature)
- Installing an network based power control unit? With HADA you can add up to 24 pulsed outlet controls to the system to help manage those troublesome devices. The first 8 of which are available from the home screen and can be used for quick access to any outlet or other relay type control you may want to install.
- GUI based administration Tool (Standard Feature)
- The included GUI based administration tool not only makes system setup and configuration a simple task, but it also incorporates many trouble shooting and configuration tools to aid in the deployment and upkeep on the system.
- User Programmable Schedualing capabilities (Standard Feature)
- The built in schedulling system allows for Custom Scenes and Night Lighting to be reliably trigged at any user selectable time.
- User Programmable Custom Scene Creator (Standard Feature)
- Create up to 8 Custom Scenes using ANY of the available Lights and Shades. These scenes can then be scheduled using the built in user programmable scheduller
- User Selectable Interface Themes and Backgrounds (Standard Feature)
- Description
- User Programmable Night Lighting controls (Standard Feature)
- Use the built in Night Lighting control to keep the minimum light level on any available lighting channel in the system, yet still offers standard functionality and can be scheduled using the built in schedulling system.
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