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HADA Systems


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The HADA Home Screen

The HADA Home Page allows you quick access to all of the advance Smart Home features offered by the HADA Smart Home OS. This guide will help get you started.

*we recommend at least one (1) Crestron TSR-760 or better touch screen be installed in all systems, however it is not required.
This guide will concentrate on the touch screen interface and matches both the Mounted Screen and Mobile versions of the program.
The TSR-310 has a slightly differant interface and its own documentation section.

On the home screen there is a lot of information available to you separated into sections.

  • The header bar
  • Household controls
  • The system selection bar
  • The center widget

The Header Bar

The header bar gives you the following general status information

The name of the room you are currently controlling
A clock showing the current time,
A shortcut to return to the home page.
(*please note that this bar shows on all pages EXCEPT the home hage)

When you use the home button the system will also return your remote to the default room as specified in Options & Settings.
You can also access the weather application to get up to date weather conditions and forecasts right on your screen.

Note: that if you do not see a room name on your screen, don't worry, you just have not set a default room for the remote.
(see: Setting a default room in the Options & Settings area to set one).

The Household Controls Section

 HADA has the ability to access up to 16 programmable buttons right from the home page.
These buttons are setup by your installer / integrator to preform any customized system functions.
The names can also be edited to match the function represented.
  • Any function that can be accessed from a remote can be added to the controls list
  • Your programmer/integrator can create complex event sequences with one touch activation
  • These buttons can have any text you want displayed to properly communicate there function

The System Selector

Here you can access all areas of the HADA Smart Home OS system.
Simply tap the area you wish to access and the main page for the selected area will be displayed.
For more information on each of these systems see there individual help section.

The Center Widget

The center widget has multiple functions called widgets
Additional widgets can be added to suit thespecific needs of the user or project
Currently we have several built in widgets that become available as systems are enabled

Current Weather

The Weather Widget gives you up to date weather conditions and forecast temperatures for the day. Taping the center of the Weather Widget will open the full-screen forcast, Tap the house icon to return to the home page.

Camera Viewscenter widget cams

The Security Camera Views allows you to view feeds from up to 8 diferant IP based cameras. Select any of the programmed camera numbers or view types to view, tap a single camera view to activate full-screen mode (tap again to leave full-screen mode). 


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HADA Systems