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HADA Systems


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Amazon Fire TV IRUSB IP Control Module for Crestron
  •   Version Number: 1.x
  •   Catalog / Purchase Page: Purchase a license here
  • Trial Available:
    •   Free Trial Time: 1 hour per processor boot time
  • Development Environment(s):
    •   Environment: SIMPL Windows
  • Compatible Processor(s):
    •   Processor: Crestron 3 Series
    •   Processor: Crestron 4 Series
  • Additional Files & Demo Projects:

Add Amazon Fire TV control over TCP/IP to any Crestron system with ease.
Gain Power, Sleep and Media controls in your Fire TV from your Crestron SIMPL Windows program.

Please Note: This module requires that you have a IRUSB device connected to your Fire TV.
You can purchase an IRUSB Device here: https://www.video-storm.com/proddetail.php?prod=IRUSB

Module Signals List

NameTypeDescription and Usage
CLIENT_CONNECT DIGITAL HOLD HIGH to establish a connection to the client device
CLIENT_IP$ SERIAL IP Address in standard notation of the client device (
Power_On DIGITAL  PULSE to send the power ON command
(Client MUST be connected in order for the command to be sent)
Power_Off DIGITAL PULSE to send the power OFF command
(Client MUST be connected in order for the command to be sent)
Power_Sleep DIGITAL PULSE to send the SLEEP command
(Client MUST be connected in order for the command to be sent)
Media Transports
(Remaining Signals)
DIGITAL The rest of the module signals are for media trasport controls and do exactly what the name states.
(Client MUST be connected in order for the command(s) to be sent)
CLIENT_CONNECT_F DIGITAL Goes HIGH once a client connection has been established
CLIENT_STATUS ANALOG Standard TCP Client Status values (2d = Connected)
Email STRING Email Address used at time of purchase.
Set to "" for demo mode
Key DECIMAL Registration Key issued at time of purchase.
Set to 0 for demo mode
Version Change Log:
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HADA Systems